Government Grant

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Export Grants

The Australian Government has a range of initiatives to encourage international trade. These include grants such as the Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) scheme, which supports a range of industries and is administered by Austrade.

Under this scheme, eligible small and medium-sized Australian businesses can apply for reimbursement of export promotion expenses. Up to 50 per cent of promotional expenses over $5,000 may be reimbursed, providing that total expenses are more than $15,000. Up to eight grants may be awarded to each eligible applicant in any grant year. Your business could secure up to $150,000 funding as part of the EMDG scheme. 

Smart Wealth Advisors can guide you through:

  • Eligibility assessment
  • What you can claim
  • How and when to apply
  • Application preparation and lodgement

If there are other specific export grants that SWA can provide advice on, add a final sentence mentioning these.


  • Suite 1204, 227 Elizabeth St Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia
  • +61 (02) 9266 0201
  • admin@bensons.sg-host.com